A Guide to Understand Human Heart with Heart Diagram

This article introduces what the heart looks like and how it works in our body. Also, it gives some tips on how to create a heart diagram. The easiest way to draw a heart diagram is using EdrawMax by simply choosing a template, then export it as any formats you prefer and attach in your science report, presentation, assignment and so on.

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1. What Does the Heart Look Like

The heart is a muscle. It's situated a little to the left of your chest center, and it's around your fist size. Moreover, the heart lies under the rib cage, in the left of the breastbone (sternum) and the right behind the lungs and above the diaphragm.

The human heart is about a closed fist 's size, weighs about 10.5 ounces, and is somewhat cone-shaped. A cloth called the pericardium or pericardial cloth surrounds it.The average cardiac anatomy consists of a hollow four-chambered heart. A muscular wall, called the septum, separates it into the left and right sections.

heart diagram

2. How Does Heart Work

  • The right and left sides are also separated into two top chambers called the atria (the right and left atrium), which collect blood and then pump it into the two lower chambers called ventricles, which channel blood into the lungs and the abdomen;
  • The coronary arteries (left primary, right coronary) are on the top of the heart;
  • The coronary arteries and nerves are a mini-circulatory network of the heart itself;
  • Two main coronary arteries branch from the aorta near the point where the aorta connects with the left ventricle: A left coronary artery carries blood to the right atrium and right ventricle.

2.1 How Does The Heart Valves Work

Four valves control the blood flow through the heart:

  • The tricuspid valve controls the flow of blood between the right ventricle and right atrium;
  • The pulmonary valve regulates blood supply from the right ventricle into the pulmonary arteries that hold the blood to suck up oxygen to the lungs;
  • The mitral valve helps the lungs transfer oxygen-rich blood from the left atrium into the left ventricle;
  • The aortic valve opens the door for blood rich in oxygen to flow from the left ventricle into the aorta, the main artery in the body.

The heart valves operate the same way as one-way valves, which helps to block the flow of blood in the wrong direction.

2.2 How Does The Blood Flow throuhg The Heart

For each rhythmic heart stroke, blood is forced away from the back, initially through the main artery, the aorta, under high pressure, and velocity. The blood flows inside the aorta at 30 cm/sec. Blood flows from the aorta into the lungs, then arterioles, then eventually into the capillary beds.

When it enters the capillary beds, the aorta's flow rate is significantly slower (one-thousand times) than the flow rate. Although the width of each arteriole and capillary is much smaller than the aorta 's diameter, the velocity is higher as the average diameter of all the combined capillaries is far greater than the individual aorta 's diameter.

3. How to Draw A Heart Diagram

There are two ways to draw a heart diagram, one is from the sketch which could spend a lot of time for creating. Another is choosing a heart diagram in EdrawMax, from which there are substantial templates considering science and education, like heart diargam, lung diagram and more.

3.1 How to Draw A Heart Diagram from Sketch

  • Paint the bottom half of the outline of an acorn until it is tipped to the left. Use your pen or pencil to begin drawing the essential part of your heart diagram, which would look like an open-ended acorn;
  • Draw the image, and angle it to the left around 120 degrees. The critical structure will form the base for ventricles on the left and right;
  • Give a slight bump to the right atrium at the top of the heart. Draw a semi-circle or hump that stretches from the heart's top left corner. It will be about 1/3 the size of the heart's body and reach halfway around the top of the heart;
  • Sketch a forked line that extends from the top of the rounded hump. Create a tube from the top of the right atrium, to create the superior vena cava. Let the tube fork be almost the same length as the bump you made to the atrium's right chamber;
  • Draw the tube of the rounded aorta parallels the bump. You'll have to draw a U-shaped upside-down tube that nestles next to the tubular vena cava you've drawn. It will stretch down into the ventricle on the left. Ensure that the aorta larger than the vena cava;
  • Sketch the pulmonary tubular artery that runs beneath and over the aorta. Start drawing a line directly under the curve of the aorta so that it fills the void;
  • Go back and create minor gaps within the tubes. Now that you've drawn all of the human heart's key characteristics, you'll have to draw thin curved lines to show differences between pieces. For example, create a tiny curve between tubes of the aorta and pulmonary artery.

3.2 How to Draw A Heart Diagram in EdrawMax

Step 1: Open EdrawMax, and select Science and Education, then click on human organs.

heart diagram

Step 2: Use the wide range of symbols from the libraries available to create your heart diagram.

heart diagram

Step 3: Add in your text and label the heart diagram to suit the requirements. You can create more science diagrams, not merely heart diagram.

heart diagram

Step 4: Save and export your heart diagram to any type of formats, including Microsoft Office, PS, Graphic, PDF, HTML and so on.

heart diagram

3.3 The Example from Our User

Here is an example from our user by using our heart diagram to create his science report which compared to his sketch. From that, it is funny to use EdrawMax to create any science and education report.

heart diagram

4. Tips for Keeping A Healthy Heart

  • Eat a variety of nutritious foods and avoid high-fat foods like saturated fats and trans fats;
  • Consume at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day;
  • Stop soft drinks containing sucrose and fruit drinks;
  • Know there's a muscle in your chest. If you want it to be healthy, you have to take care of it;
  • Yoga will help you achieve balance, flexibility, and strength. It will help you to unwind and alleviate tension. As if this isn't enough, there is also potential for yoga to boost heart health;
  • Laugh out loud every day. Whether you enjoy watching funny movies with your friends or cracking jokes, laughter can be useful for your heart.

5. Conclusion

This writing described what is heart and how it works, as well as how to create a heart diagam. Maybe you could choose to create from sketch, but you have to stand the time consumed, but if you choose EdrawMax, it will be as simple as possible to crate a heart diagram and more diagrams. People should take other precautions to help protect your health and their hearts. Diet and exercise is an essential part of a healthy heart. If you are not eating a healthy diet and are not exercising, you are at an elevated risk of developing health problems.

EdrawMax Online is a conceptual diagramming program that helps construct the flowcharts, hierarchical charts, mind maps, network diagrams, floor plans, and heart diagrams.

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