The Ultimate Avatar Family Tree
If you are a die heart Avatar fan or want some knowledge about the series and characters before watching it. Then we will highly suggest readers give their time to this article because we will tell you all about Avatars and the stuff related to them.

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1. Avatar: the Last Airbender
The story starts with the twelve years old young boy named Aang. The young Aang learned from the monks that he was the Avatar. Moreover, Aang was also an air-bender. The monks told the truth to Aang before the age of 16 because they feared that the war between the four-nation would soon arise, and it would be good that Aang would be available to help the armies. After that, Aang was made to finish his training instead of completing his graduation.
Aang was frightened with his new phase of life, and so, he traveled on his flying Appa across the southern ocean waters. Suddenly, a storm created a significant obstacle on his way, and both Appa and Aang plunged into the deep sea and froze them into the sphere of ice.
Source: Wiki
From the Southern water tribe, two teenage siblings, Katara, a water bender, and her brother Sokka free Aang from the freezing sphere. After one hundred years after this event, the fire nation imposed wars on the other three nations, and the water nation was on the brink of collapse. The imperialist fire nation destroyed all other countries. Aang learned the horrible stories that occurred after his absence, and now, it is his and his friend's duty to restore harmony among all the nations and defeat the fire nation.
2. What Makes Avatar Popular?
Avatar: the Last Airbender, is still popular today because the story combines multiple niches. You will see bravery, patriotism, friendship, love, supernatural, and science fiction stuff in the story.
The characters are powerful; they have considerable powers, like air bending, water bending, etc. The concept of four nations is very interesting among the people. When they hear about the Earth, Water, Air, and Fire nation from their friends or relatives, they automatically turn towards the episodes.
Source: Wiki
People of different ages love the concept of superheroes who have multiple supernatural powers. The show presented these magical powers in a way that attracted millions of people. After the first season, the toys, video games, pictures on clothes, banners, etc., made Avatar more popular.
Spoiler Warning: Spoilers are also included in multiple places in this article.
3. The Avatar Family Tree
This section will be so much fun and enjoyable for you because, in this section, we will tell you all about the family members and their family tree shown in Avatar the Last Airbender. You can learn from here, and tell the things to your friends, or other people, who also seem interested in the show.

Aang was raised by Gayatsu. Aang's biological ancestors are not confirmed. Because of this reason, Aang is related to all previous Avatars like Roku, Kyoshi, and Wan. Later Aang married Katara, and he then became the father of three kids, Bumi, Kya, and Tenzin.
From Aang's three children, only Tenzin married, and he later became the father of Inora, Ikki Meelo, and Rohan. Unfortunately, Aang's fate never let him meet his grandchildren because he died before they were born.
The first prominent leader of the fire nation was Sozin, also called the fire lord. The fire lord Sozin was the father of Azulon. Azulon then married Ilah and had two sons, Iroh and Ozai. Both Iroh and Ozai married and started their family. In this way, the lineage of fire lords flows. Sokko's and Katara's grandmother married an unknown man. Her name was Kanna. Kanna had one son called Hakoda. Hakoda then married Kya, and they had Sokko and katara.
4. How to Draw Avatar Family Trees Online?
If you want to make family tree charts or any other diagram, we recommend using EdrawMax Online, developed by Wondershare.

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EdrawMax is a powerful technology or an application that allows users to make over two hundred and eighty types of diagrams. The application's user-friendly interface lets users make diagrams in minutes. The application has more than five thousand diagram symbols that you can add to your drawings with simple drag-and-drop functionality.
The best thing about EdrawMax is that it has a powerful and exciting templating feature. With this feature, users can choose any template related to their diagram and start editing them to boost productivity and avoid errors. You can also take the template from this article and edit it further. The application also allows users to export their projects in SVG, PNG, PDF, HTML, and other formats.
5. What Next?
You can further find all the information about the Avatar and its later series from the fandom.