Hotel Organizational Chart

You will know what a hotel organizational chart is, how to make it and some examples in this article. Finally, the best online tool you can utilize to make a perfect hotel organizational chart.

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1. What is a Hotel Organizational Chart?

Searching for how to run your hotel successfully? The answer to this question is the hotel organizational chart. There are hundreds of ways to figure out the validated learning about your hotel or any business, but many organizations still ignore the importance of organizational charts. If you are looking for the hotel organizational chart concepts, you are in the right place.

Before jumping to how to make a  hotel organizational chart, it is better to understand what the hotel organizational chart is. A hotel organizational chart or structure presents a high-level overview of the business or hotel. The high-level or abstract-level overview means showing you how your business or hotel is working from the inside. It will also present the departments or the positions working inside your organization and how they perform.

Why do Hotels Need Organizational Charts?

Hotel organizational charts have endless use cases, some of which are listed below.

Convey the roles and responsibilities of every entity

The best thing about the hotel organizational chart is that it conveys to every entity their roles and responsibilities. Every position inside the organization makes a consensus on the hotel or business organizational chart that how they would function for the betterment of the business.

Help in decision-making

Hotel organizational charts help the C-Suite, board of directors, managers, and other business leaders to make crucial decisions easily without any research because they have a good hotel organizational chart present on the table.

Tell employees about whom they will communicate

A hotel organizational chart helps the employees know about whom they will communicate or report about their work or when something goes wrong.

Help in multiple managerial programs

A hotel organizational chart helps managers conduct valuable and necessary drills like risk management and disaster recovery. Not only in training, but it also helps in an uncertain situation.

2. How to Create a Hotel Organizational Chart?

This section will get valuable information about making a perfect hotel organizational chart and the types of organizational charts that you can implement with your case.

2.1 Know the type of your hotel's organizational structure

Before actually writing down the information, you have to go through a very serious step to find the organizational structure your hotel implements. There are four types of hotel or business organizational structures or charts. All four types are somehow different from others and are used for multiple sizes and functions of the hotel. The types are listed below.

Hierarchical Organizational Chart

A hierarchical organizational chart is utilized in the hotels that are both small and large in their sizes and functions. A startup or a small business with few positions and departments can easily make a hierarchical hotel organizational chart. An enormous business with dozens of departments can also make a hierarchical hotel organizational chart to show the most critical departments.

Functional Organizational Chart

A functional hotel organizational chart also includes a hierarchy used in those businesses and hotels that have specialized their important business departments. In the functional organizational chart, positions and their information are also listed, and with jobs, we mean the head of the department.

Matrix Organizational Chart

Matrix organizational charts are used in hotels where multiple departments work cross-functionally. Due to this cross-functionality, they make a complex hierarchy, and so, a matrix chart is predominantly used to handle this situation.

Circular Organizational Chart

A circular organizational chart is a structural chart with primary and leading positions at the circle's core and the less important ones coming after, forming a circle.

2.2 Collect all the data and information

Now, you have to get all the data and information about each department, including its head, how they work cross-functionally, reporting to whom, how they are connected. You have to gather all these types of answers to make your hotel organizational chart perfect. You can also take help from multiple departments to avoid mistakes.

2.3 Find the right tool

After gathering all the information, now is the time to get your hands dirty in finding the right solution or application to make your hotel organizational chart. You can also discover the tools provided by Microsoft 365 and Google Business-suite, plus hundreds of tools are also present on the Internet.

2.4 Use the tool and complete the org chart

You have to use your chosen tool to complete your business or hotel organizational chart. The best practice is to start from the template to boost productivity and avoid mistakes. Include all the symbols used in the business or hotel organizational chart. After completing the chart, get it to your supervisor for approval or correction.

3. Hotel Organizational Chart Examples

To make your mind clearer about the hotel organizational chart, we have gathered some practical examples so you can learn and take ideas from them.

Example 1: Small Hotel Organizational Chart

It is the best example of a small hotel organizational chart. In this chart, a hierarchical business model is implemented. As we have mentioned above, the hierarchical structural model can be used in small hotels or businesses, and so happened here. The leading department or position is the corporate manager, and then the general manager comes. There is the cycle of front office manager, housekeeper, front desk attendant, waiter, and corporate owner positions. The waiter is only connected to another position through the F&B manager.

Example 2: Medium Hotel Organizational Chart

This medium-size hotel implements the hierarchical structure from the business or hotel organizational chart types. The central departments include the ground and maintenance, housekeeping and custodial, recreational services, hospitality, food, and beverage. The chart does not have leading positions like the executives or board of directors. The hospitality department manages some small positions. The diagram only implements the hierarchical structure, but other systems can also be implemented.

Example 3: Large Hotel Organizational Chart

It is the best example of a large hotel organizational structure or chart. The hotel is implementing both hierarchical and matrix structures because the departments work cross-functionally. The general manager is the head of the managing department, and below him are other micro-managers. Below the deputy manager, we get positions like financial director, front office manager, hr manager, food manager, sales and logistics manager. The chart also shows some degree of the functional structure due to a lot of departments.

4. Best Hotel Organizational Chart Maker

If you are searching for the best online tool to help you make a hotel organizational structure chart, we recommend you try EdrawMax, developed by Wondershare. EdrawMax is a free diagram-making tool that you can utilize to make your diagrams efficiently. The application has more than 26,000 symbols that you can quickly drag and drop to your project. The best thing about EdrawMax is that it has over 16,000 ready-made templates including tons of organizational charts that you can utilize to boost your speed in work and avoid mistakes. You can import your projects too and export them in multiple formats.

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