Templates Community / Project ER Diagram

Project ER Diagram

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Published on 2021-06-04
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Project Entity-Relationship (ER) diagram shows the entities and their relationship with several attributes. As the below image suggests, any given sample project has entities like Projects, Projects_Users, Settings, Sessions, and Users. These entities have attributes like Project_Id, Settings_Default_Project_ID, Sessions_ID, Project_ID, User_Id, Users_ID, Project_Users_Project_ID, and others. You can use tools such as EdrawMax as it offers tons of symbols and shapes to create entity-relationship diagrams for any project. It should be noted here that the entity-relationship data model is created out of the activity of utilizing commercial DBMS to model application databases. As suggested by the below project ER diagram image, the entities and the relationships between them are demonstrated using the ER symbols to show various kinds of entities, attributes, identifiers, and relationships.
ER diagram
ER Diagram Collection
sql ER Diagram
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