Templates Community / Blank Newspaper Template

Blank Newspaper Template

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Published on 2021-07-01
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Newspaper inside page layout can be designed using free newspaper designing tools like EdrawMax or EdrawMax Online. One of the most important aspects of the newspaper design is a balance or choosing to put the "heaviest" elements. Through text, photos, graphics, or artwork, can all be dominant. However, the inside layout of the page should have several news article sections. It should be noted here that in a newspaper, a news article should follow the "inverted pyramid." In the inverted news pyramid format, the most newsworthy information goes at the beginning of the story, and the least newsworthy information goes at the end. Something similar goes in designing the newspaper template -- the most important or breaking news goes on the top, while the least important news segments or advertisement details go at the bottom of the page.
Newspaper Template
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