Templates Community / Remote Tester Circuit Diagram

Remote Tester Circuit Diagram

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Published on 2021-08-30
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Generally, we operate the TV by using a Remote, which sends an IR signal to the IR Receiver of the TV. But sometimes the TV remote stops working while the batteries are working fine. So to test it, this circuit will help you. What is a Remote tester Circuit? A remote control tester Circuit is such a circuit through which you can test your remote that is working or not. Through this circuit, you can also test the range of your TV remote. This circuit contains an IR Receiver i.e. TSOP1738 that catches the remote signal and displays it by turning on the LED. This circuit work on all types of IR remote i.e. of any TV or any Setup Box. Components Required- TSOP1738 IR Receiver 1k, 150ohm Resistance LED Buzzer 1000uf Capacitor 7805 IC
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