This is an illustration of a career genogram. Career genograms are a sort of genogram that has been widely utilized in family system treatment. A career genogram examines established professional tendencies, or lack thereof, in a family unit. A career genogram's fundamental structure begins with the person and then expands to include prominent people of the same generation. Extended family members and close acquaintances, both biological and non-biological, may be included. The career genogram then expands to include extended relatives, close community connections, mentors, advocates, and those with whom the individual has had a significant interaction. The customer then adds vocational data for each person: what they do/did for a living. After that, the client adds vocational data for each person: what they do/did for a job, if it was in flux, and how the individual perceived their work history. Make your own Genogram with the multitude of patterns available in EdrawMax right now.