Generally, we use a 5v adaptor and a data cable to charge our mobile phone. But sometimes u have a low Ampere adaptor that does not give proper charging to smartphones.
Here we created a Circuit through which we can charge our mobile phone faster than any other adaptor.
What is USB Mobile Charger Circuit?
USB mobile charger circuit is a type of mobile charger that takes power from the USB socket. As you know the USB socket gives 5 volts at the output but the amount of current in it is very less.
But this USB mobile charger circuit gives 2 Ampere current at the output. We create this circuit with easily available electronic components. You can find these components in any old scrap circuit.
Components Needed:
1) Male USB Jack
2) 1k, 560ohm Resistance
3) 2x 100uf, 16v Capacitor
4) Led
5) TIP42 Transistor
6) 1n4007 Diode
7) 4.7v Zener Diode