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Graphic Organizers For Writing

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Published on 2021-09-30
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The tree graphic organizers for writing help to develop a topic from an idea to a complete topic. The graphic organizer starts with the topic title. Then, the introduction to the topic is written on the left side and the attention grabber is written on the right side. This can be a quote, question, or anything related. The next section includes the body of the topic. The body has two main components; supporting facts and definitions or terms about the topic. 

1. What is a Graphic Organizer 

In a learning endeavor, a graphic organizer is a visual and graphic presentation that displays the relationships between facts, concepts, and other ideas. Knowledge maps, concept maps, story maps, cognitive organizers, advance organizers, and concept diagrams are all terms used to describe graphic organizers.

Graphic organizers can be utilized in all grades and have been shown to be effective learning tools for gifted students and students with special needs. Graphic organizers can also assist adult learners in making connections between what they currently know and newly acquired knowledge.

2. What is Graphic Organizer for Writing

There are mainly two kinds of graphic organizers that are used for writing:
1) Persuasion Map
The persuasion map is an interactive graphic organizer that helps students get more familiar with the persuasive writing process. It aids them in outlining and preparing arguments for essays, speeches, and debates, among other things.

2) Sequence Chart
A sequence graphic organizer is a tool for visualizing the steps of a process or a timeline of occurrences, among other things. It can also be used for taking notes, preparing lessons, and composing essays.

3. How to Create a Graphic Organzier

Creating a graphic organizer chart in EdrawMax Online is pretty simple. The free graphic organizer maker has several features, like directly importing the data from the .csv file or creating one from scratch using free templates.

Step 1: Login EdrawMax Online
Log in EdrawMax Online using your registered email address. If this is your first time accessing the tool, you can create your personalized account from your personal or professional email address.

Step 2: Choose a template
EdrawMax comes with hundreds of free graphic organizer templates. Select a pre-designed template from the product based on your preference or need by selecting the ""Education"" on the left navigation pane. It will open up several graphic organizer types, like T-chart, main idea diagram, and more. Alternatively, press ""+"" in EdrawMax Online canvas to create a graphic organizer from scratch.

Step 3: Customize the diagram
Customize your graphic organizer by changing the symbols and shapes as required. With the easy drag-and-drop feature of EdrawMax Online, you can use all the relative elements from libraries.

Step 4: Export & Share
Once your graphic organizer is completed, you can share it amongst your colleagues or clients using the easy export and share option. You can export a graphic organizer in multiple formats, like Graphics, JPEG, PDF, or HTML. Also, you can share the designs on different social media platforms, like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Line.
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Graphic Organizers For Writing
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