Templates Community / Cash Loan Mobile Application ER Diagram

Cash Loan Mobile Application ER Diagram

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Ana Farhana Abubacar
Published on 2021-11-09
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The ER diagram synonymously known as the entity-relationship diagram is a perfect tool for incisive analysis of structural databases. The cash loan mobile application of various banking partners are a perfect illustration of the crucial profit-making parameters of the financial organizations. The entity relationship diagrams constitute a symbiotic relationship between branches, bank accounts and credit customers. The entity relationship diagram denotes the bank entity as the primary key in determining the profitable or loss-making outcomes. The other entities that are present in the peripheral vision of the ER diagram are customers, branches, accounts and loans. Workflow creation is an important constituent of a cash loan application of a banking entity. The right product should be displayed with its features at the beginning of the ER entity. The loans offered by bank branches indicate one-to-many relationships. Multiple customers having loan accounts in different branches can be the principal constituents of an ER diagram.
ER diagram
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Cash Loan Mobile Application ER Diagram
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