A sketch of a building In any architectural drawing, symbols play a significant function in defining components such as floor levels, lighting types, and service locations. Electrical layouts, in particular, necessitate a large number of various objects and acronyms, and symbols, when used in conjunction with a key, provide a clear and tidy means of indicating their location, kind, and usage.
2. What is Architecture Symbol
Because architectural lighting is such a vast subject with so many variants, lighting symbols provide a quick and easy way to indicate placements, types, amounts, and power outputs without cluttering a drawing with labels.
3. How to Use Architecture Symbol
Here supports to use and create your symbols with ease, you need to follow the steps below:
Step 1:Open this symbol template, since there are many symbols for your reference, you can open one symbol template from template community, or try to make yours in EdrawMax;
Step 2:The symbols you use will appear in the left panel in "Your Symbol Libraries", and you can choose whatever you like to add in your design;
Step 3:Once finish your creation, the symbols and icons will be saved in your symbol libraries, and you can use them whenever you want.