Templates Community / Business Architecture Capability Map Example

Business Architecture Capability Map Example

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Published on 2021-11-19
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A Business Architecture Capability Map is a tool that helps organizations to identify and understand the capabilities they need to have in place to achieve their strategic goals. An example of a Business Architecture Capability Map might include different layers, such as Business Processes, Information, Applications, and Infrastructure. Different capabilities could be identified within each layer, such as Order Management, Data Analytics, CRM, or Cloud Computing. The diagram could also include relationships between capabilities, such as dependencies, inter-dependencies, or support relationships. By creating a Business Architecture Capability Map, organizations can better understand their current capabilities and identify gaps that need to be addressed to achieve their strategic objectives. This tool also enables them to prioritize investments and initiatives that will help them to achieve their goals more effectively. Use EdrawMax to create a similar diagram for your projects. EdrawMax offers a wide range of similar templates that helps beginners and professionals in creating great-looking diagrams.
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Business Architecture Capability Map Example
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