Templates Community / Christmas Holiday Symbols

Christmas Holiday Symbols

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Published on 2021-11-24
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1. Introduction

Here are some icons of the Christmas holiday, you can use them immediately. The symbols will appear in the left side of the canvas, and you can save them in your symbol libraries for later use.

2. What is Christmas Holiday Symbols

Have you ever wondered why tinsel is hung on Christmas trees, or how candy canes came to be associated with the winter season? While some of these classic Christmas decorations may appear random, the majority of them have a unique purpose.

1) Holiday Color
The color red is associated with Christmas because it represents Jesus' bloodshed on the cross. It's also mirrored in the hue of holly berries, which had pagan significance during ancient Rome's winter solstice ceremonies.

2) Christmas Bell
During the Christmas season, bells are rung to announce the arrival of the season and the birth of Jesus. Bell ringing can also be linked back to pagan winter festivals that were meant to ward off evil spirits.

3) Candy Canes
The shape of this treat is that of a shepherd's crook. On Christmas, Jesus, also known as the Good Shepherd, was born. God used his birth to reintroduce lost lambs to the fold. The crimson stripe signifies Christ's blood and the white stripe depicts his purity.

4) Wreath
The wreath is a never-ending, circular emblem of everlasting love and rebirth. Holly is also associated with immortality, whereas cedar is associated with strength. Today, the wreath represents generosity, giving, and family reunion.

3. How to Use Christmas Holiday Symbols

It is simple to use the Christmas Holiday icons in EdrawMax, just follow the steps below, and turn the symbols and icons into yours.

Step 1: Duplicate the symbols
Click the "Duplicate" button, and start to use them;

Step 2: Open a file
When clicking the duplicate button, you can go to a new file, and the symbols or icons will appear in the left side of the canvas, which is the Symbol Libraries;

Step 3: Your Symbol Libraries
Once you use these symbols, the symbols and icons will become yours, and you can check or use them every time you open a new file or add symbols in your created files. 
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Christmas Holiday Icons | EdrawMax Template
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