Templates Community / Cash Disbursement Swimlane Diagram

Cash Disbursement Swimlane Diagram

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Mario Modesto
Published on 2021-11-24
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As shown in the diagram below, a swimlane diagram is a flowchart that outlines who does what in a given process. In the below Cash Disbursement Swimlane diagram, we see that Purchasing, Receiving, Accounts Payable, and Cash Disbursement each have their respective flows. As the cash disbursement swimlane diagram illustrates, it is a process flowchart that allows you to visually distinguish duties and responsibilities and sub-processes within these business processes. EdrawMax Online comes with free swimlane diagram templates that ease down your efforts in making highly complex flowcharts for your ongoing projects. With this free flowchart maker, you can export the files into Graphics, HTML, JPEG, or even share the URL directly via the email body.
swimlane diagram
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Cash Disbursement Swimlane Diagram
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