Templates Community / Citynet Company Development Timeline

Citynet Company Development Timeline

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Published on 2021-12-10
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The following timeline diagram showed the start of Citynet in Beckenham in 2000. After three years of hard work, the company achieved a million euro turnover. In 2008, Citynet’s Motor team was established, followed by the appointment of Richard Scott as the new CEO. Fourteen years after the company’s initialization, RK Harrison wholesale business was acquired, and an underwriting team was established. In the following years, the company got featured in the LSE 1000 companies to inspire Britain and achieved 165 million GWP and moved into a new floor in the Lloyd’s Register building, and so on. It should be noted here that a timeline diagram consists of a horizontal bar or line representing time progressing from left to right or right to left (depending upon the region. As the graph below depicts, this horizontal bar is marked with events or steps to indicate when a particular thing actually happened.
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Citynet Company Development Timeline | EdrawMax
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