Templates Community / The Three Generation Genogram

The Three Generation Genogram

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Arlyne Billones
Published on 2021-12-14
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The three-generation Genogram shows multiple generations of a family, starting from grandparents and going all the way to the children. EdrawMax Online is a free genogram tool that allows you to easily create genograms for your project. With EdrawMax Online, you can add additional information as required from your team. Remember, Genograms are different from Family Tree as they are more elaborative. So, you will require such tools that have different template sections for Family Trees and Genograms, just like EdrawMax Online. As you can see from the three-generation genogram diagram below, males are denoted by drawing a colored box, whereas colored circles illustrate females.
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The three-generation Genogram shows multiple generations of a family, starting from grandparents and going all the way to the children. EdrawMax Online is a free genogram tool that allows you to easily create genograms for your project. With EdrawMax Onli
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