Templates Community / Music Career Customer Journey Map

Music Career Customer Journey Map

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Lisa Anderson
Published on 2021-12-31
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Before creating a minimum viable product (MVP), students or business executives should create a primary persona's journey. The following customer journey map depicts the stages of a music enthusiast as he goes ahead and makes a professional in the music industry. The main stages in Mitch Learner's customer journey map are: starting - this is where Mitch will try to learn music by attending colleges or taking diplomas, creating reputation - this is where Mitch will start performing for people so he acquires the reputation he so wishes to have, play more - this is the stage where Mitch will accelerate his live performances, refine - this is the stage where Mitch will work on improving his music, and building team - the last stage is where Mitch will build a team of his own whom all will perform together to earn reputation and have a financially stable future.
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Music Career Customer Journey Map
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