Templates Community / Cross-Functional Flowchart for Feedback Review Process

Cross-Functional Flowchart for Feedback Review Process

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munesh naagar
Published on 2022-02-01
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The 360 Feedback Workflow Cross-Functional Flowchart depicts the steps in conducting a 360-degree feedback review process. The process begins with a Start Form, which includes details such as the employee's name, manager, and peers to be evaluated. The form then moves on to the manager review stage, where the employee's manager provides feedback on their performance. This is followed by the peer feedback stage, where the employee's colleagues provide feedback on their performance. Once all the feedback has been collected, the review is completed, and the employee can use the information to improve their performance. The flowchart provides a clear visual representation of the 360-degree feedback process, making it easier to understand and follow. EdrawMax is the best diagramming tool to create similar diagrams. Download EdrawMax today and start customizing similar templates.
HR & Operation
Cross Functional Flowchart
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Cross-Functional Flowchart for Feedback Review Process
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