Templates Community / 3 Bedroom House Plan Example

3 Bedroom House Plan Example

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Published on 2022-02-14
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As you can see in the three-bedroom house plan, there are three different bedrooms, multiple bathrooms, a living area, a common walking area, a stairway to the terrace, and a parking area where you can park your vehicles. The following is the first level floor plan of the three-bedroom house, showing multiple important areas and dimensions. The family room here is 18*15; bedroom #3 is 9*11, bedroom #2 is 11*9, the main bedroom is 15*12, the storage unit is 6*4, and more. Creating such elaborative plans with the dimensions helps the builder understand how well they have to build the house. In addition to this, such house design layouts will also help the new homeowners understand the correct dimensions of their huge three-bedroom house.
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3 Bedroom House Plan Example
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