Templates Community / Reverse Brainstorming Example

Reverse Brainstorming Example

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Lisa Anderson
Published on 2022-02-17
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Reverse brainstorming is a strategy that turns traditional brainstorming approaches on their heads, allowing you to tackle challenging problems from a new angle. Quantity over quality is the secret to a successful reverse brainstorming session. When it comes to developing a solution, the more ideas you have, the more perspectives you have to work with. A problem is usually the starting point for reverse brainstorming. The difference is that you then reverse the problem to focus on the opposite of what you want to achieve. You're left with a collection of ideas that could be used to solve your original problem. It's therefore only a matter of studying and combining them to arrive at the optimal option.
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Reverse brainstorming is a strategy that turns traditional brainstorming approaches on their heads, allowing you to tackle challenging problems from a new angle. Quantity over quality is the secret to a successful reverse brainstorming session. When it co
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