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Downton Abbey Family Tree

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Published on 2022-02-28
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Downton Abbey is an English drama that features the aristocratic Crawley family and their domestic servants in the post-Edwardian era. As shown in the Downton Abbey Family Tree, the First Earl of Grantham married Countess of Grantham and gave birth to the 2nd Earl of Grantham. The 2nd Earl married Countess of Grantham and gave birth to the 3rd of Grantham. The 5th Earl of Grantham gave birth to the Hon. Mr. Crawley and Patrick Crawley. The Hon. Mr. Crawley married the Hon. Mrs. Crawley, in 1912, gave birth to James Crawley, who married Mrs. Crawley to his father, Patrick Crawley. Even though the Downton Abbey family tree chart looks complicated, once you start to know the characters, you will learn more about their parenthood and children.
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Downton Abbey Family Tree
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