Following is the Martell Family Tree from the acclaimed HBO series, Game of Thrones. The Princess of Dorne and Prince Consort got together and gave birth to Doran Martell, Elia Martell, and Oberyn Martell. Doran married Mellario of Norvos and fathered Trystane Martell, who would later engage with Cersei Lannister's daughter. Elia got together with Rhaegar Targaryen and gave birth to Rhaenys Targaryen and Aegon Targaryen. Whereas, Oberyn had an affair with multiple partners and gave birth to Obara Sand and Nymeria Sand. From his relationship with Ellaria Sand, Oberyn fathered Tyene Sand. With the help of EdrawMax Online, you can easily create a similar Martell Family Tree or another family tree of Westeros.