Templates Community / Second Cousin Twice Removed Chart

Second Cousin Twice Removed Chart

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Published on 2022-03-01
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Before discussing the following family tree in detail, let us first clarify the exact meaning behind the second cousin twice removed. As per the rules of the family tree, if your cousins are twice removed, it means that your cousin is either part of your grandparents' generation or your grandchildren's generation because they are two generations removed from you. The following family tree illustrates the second cousin twice removed in detail. As per the family tree, your great-grandparents gave birth to your grandparents and grandparent's siblings (your great aunt or uncle). Now your grandparents gave birth to your parents and your aunt or uncles. Like this, your great aunt or uncle gave birth to their child, who would become the first cousin (removed once). Your parents gave birth to you, and your uncle gave birth to your cousin. At the same time, your great aunt or uncle's grandchild would become your second cousin. Now, your grandchild and your cousin's grandchild would be removed twice, and the grandchild of your great-great-aunt or uncle would be termed as your second cousin twice removed.
Family Tree
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Second Cousin Twice Removed Chart
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