Templates Community / PDM Precedence Diagram Method

PDM Precedence Diagram Method

EdrawMax user profile image
Community Helper
Published on 2022-03-07
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Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM) is a virtual communication method used to construct the following PDM precedence diagram method and establish the critical path. A program manager must comprehend the activity relationships because it is essential to generate the diagram and then create the construction schedule. A project manager must comprehend the activity relationships because it is important while generating the network diagram and then developing the project's schedule. Total float refers to the length of time an activity can be postponed without causing the project's completion date to be postponed. Total float is computed by subtracting an activity's Early Start date from its Late Start date or subtracting an activity's Early Finish date out of its Late Date of completion. On the crucial route, the total float is zero.
precedence diagram
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PDM Precedence Diagram Method
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