Templates Community / Coca Cola Organizational Chart

Coca Cola Organizational Chart

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Published on 2022-03-11
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An organizational chart visually represents a company’s internal structures and gives you detail of roles, responsibilities, and relationships between individuals within the company. The major purpose of the organizational chart is to describe the outline of the organization’s structure.
The boxes represent employees and their positions, and you can also include photos and contact information to make the organization structure more informative.
The following Coca-cola Organizational Chart represents the outline of Coca-Cola’s internal structure. The structure illustrates the reporting, relationships, and chains of command within the coca-cola organization.
Let’s dive into the Coca-cola Organizational Chart to get detailed information about organizational structure and how you can create one in EdrawMax Online.

1. Understanding Coca-cola Organizational Chart

The Coca-cola Organizational Chart below shows the internal hierarchy and gives you detailed information about its structure. Here the first level of the organizational chart is occupied for Coca-cola CEO Muhtar Kent. The next two levels indicate four different operations: corporate staff, manufacturing, marketing, and finance.
As Coca-cola is a well-established organization and operates globally, so to represent distinct divisions, the next level is created. The three distinct divisions are placed at the fourth level of the chart, and further vertical lines are used to connect with sub-divisions of the Coca-cola Organizational Chart. Bottling investments group has no division; hence its hierarchy ends here. The following Coca-cola Organization Chart does not include specific roles, but only divisions and departments are included to keep the organizational chart more simple but informative.

2. How to Create a Coca-Cola Organizational Chart EdrawMax Online?

Creating a Coca-Cola Organizational Chart diagram in EdrawMax Online is pretty simple. The free org chart maker has several features as you can instantly import the images or icons from your system or Google Drive or DropBox. Your free diagram will require additional media content, making it more creative.

Login EdrawMax Online
Log in EdrawMax Online using your registered email address. If this is your first time accessing the tool, you can create your personalized account from your personal or professional email address.

Choose a template
EdrawMax Online comes with hundreds of free diagram templates. Select a pre-designed template by entering the Keyword in the "Search" section or exploring different diagram sets. In this case, you will find different types of Family Tree, Org Structure, and Organizational Chart under the "General" section. Alternatively, you can simply click on "+" in EdrawMax Online canvas to create a diagram of your preference.

Work on your research
As we see in the org chart here, Coca-Cola is controlled through a vertical hierarchy, with decision-making authority residing with the company's upper management. Daily and routine decisions are made by the line managers at the middle level.

Customize the diagram
Customize your Coca-Cola organizational chart or the required family tree by changing the color or adding more relevant data. Based on your research, you can also add or remove the relevant hierarchy from the Coca-Cola org chart to prioritize the members.

Export & Share
Once your required Coca-Cola org chart is completed, you can share it amongst your colleagues or clients using the easy export and share option. You can further export the diagram in multiple formats, like Graphics, JPEG, PDF, or HTML. Also, you can share the designs on different social media platforms, like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Line. In simple words, you can export your incredible org chart diagrams to the files you want with just a few clicks.

3. Important Tips
In the organizational chart, you can include as many elements as you want. Still, the three important elements are job designs, departments, and establishing reporting relationships, as you have learned in the Coca-cola Organization Chart. Here are a few tips for the perfect organizational chart:
Group individuals who have the same job title and place them in one box. Keep the size of boxes the same and give proper spacing to make your organizational chart more visually appealing. Use sidebars to represent assistants under the manager box. Place the name of the job-role first and then the person’s name who holds it.

An organizational chart is an ultimate way to define a company’s internal structures, hierarchies, roles, and responsibilities, as you have learned in Coca Cola Organization Chart. It helps you to decide quickly after visualizing the individual workloads through a well-designed organizational chart. Creating a Coca-Cola org chart is extremely easy in EdrawMax Online.
Org Chart
organizational chart
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Coca Cola Organizational Chart
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