In the A Song of Ice and Fire book series, Tyrells is one of the noblest families in Westeros. The book and the adapted HBO TV shows brought several Tyrells into the narrative. In the following Tyrell Family Tree, we see Luthor Tyrell married Olenna Redwyne and gave birth to Mace Tyrell, Janna Tyrell, and Mina Tyrell. MAce married Aleria Hightower and gave birth to Loras Tyrell and Margaery Tyrell. The latter married Renly Baratheon and, after his death, got married to his nephew Joffrey Baratheon. Following Joffrey's death, she got married to Tommen Baratheon. With the help of EdrawMax, you can also create similar-looking family tree diagrams for any fiction or real-life family.