Templates Community / Swimlane Activity Diagram for Online Shopping System

Swimlane Activity Diagram for Online Shopping System

EdrawMax user profile image
Community Helper
Published on 2022-03-23
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This Swimlane activity diagram for an online shopping system is a UML design diagram that depicts the interaction between the seller, the shoppers, and the system. This will provide you with scenarios of users exchanging activities with the system. Swimlane activity diagrams for online shopping systems contain symbols such as swimlanes, actors, and arrows that will assist you in understanding the workflow of the online shopping management system. The sellers and shoppers are the users of this Online Shopping Management System, and they are essential in creating its activity diagram. It will be much easier for you to build the interactions and activities in the system if you first determine who the system's users are.
uml diagram
workflow diagram
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Swimlane Activity Diagram for Online Shopping System
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