Templates Community / Entity Relationship Diagram for Hotel Management System

Entity Relationship Diagram for Hotel Management System

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Published on 2022-03-24
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This Hotel Management System Entity Relationship Diagram depicts the model of the hotel management system entity. The Entity-relationship diagram for the hotel management system depicts all of the visual instruments of database tables and the relationships between rooms, payments, hotels, and customers, among other things. It employs structured data to define the relationship between structured data groups of hotel management system functionalities. The hotel management system's primary entities are rooms, services, payments, bookings, and customers. An entity is a data object or component. In an ER diagram, an entity is represented by a rectangle. Entities, attributes, and relationships are the three main concepts upon which ER diagrams are based. In ER Diagrams, rectangles are used to represent entities, ovals are used to describe characteristics, and diamond shapes are used to show relationships.
ER diagram
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Entity Relationship Diagram for Hotel Management System
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