Templates Community / Simple Living Room Floor Plan

Simple Living Room Floor Plan

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Published on 2022-04-24
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This living room floor plan features a sectional sofa and plenty of storage, making it ideal for a family with small children. It is crucial to maximizing storage in a small space. Storage can even be built around windows, so do not let a window become an impediment. Toys can be placed in the smaller storage unit, whereas the television and other items can be held in the larger storage unit. A small side table provides a comfortable spot for lighting, drinks, or both. One can modify storage bins, boxes, baskets, or other accent furnishings to make them more appealing. You can also attach a wardrobe to a wall and surround it with molding for a built-in look, as seen in this Living room floor at a house at a fraction of the cost.
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Room Floor Plan
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Simple Living Room Floor Plan
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