Templates Community / Supply Chain Diagram Template

Supply Chain Diagram Template

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David Zelingher
Published on 2022-05-11
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This is a sample of a supply chain diagram. A supply chain is a network of companies, people, activities, information, and resources involved in the delivery of a product or service to a customer. Natural resources, raw materials, and components are transformed into a finished product and delivered to the ultimate consumer as part of supply chain operations. The supply chain usually starts with the vendors or suppliers. These are the companies that supply raw materials. Manufacturing comes next in the supply chain. This is the process of transforming raw materials into finished goods for sale. The next phase is distribution, which might include a variety of middlemen. Wholesalers, merchants, distributors, and even the internet might be examples of middlemen. Please feel free to make changes of this template and dowmload other good designs in EdrawMax!
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Supply Chain Diagram Template
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