Templates Community / Space Affinity Diagram

Space Affinity Diagram

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Published on 2022-05-27
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What is the space affinity template?
The affinity template provides a structure for grouping data, user demands, opinions, insights, and other forms of data.
When you use an affinity template, you write down each notion, idea, or thinking on a little piece of paper. Then you arrange thoughts into other categories to check if they have many similarities.
A template is a fantastic tool for coming up with new ideas. It enables teams to arrange the vast amounts of data gathered during the many stages of design thought into their natural associative linkages.

Benefits of creating the space affinity template:
A team may waste time without reaching a consensus if there is no cohesive context for those thoughts. By sorting and grouping information into associations, you may readily identify new patterns of thinking and easily break old ones. A group can identify categories and meta-categories inside a cluster of information or ideas, allowing them to determine which concepts are shared by the whole group.

How to create the space affinity template?
Keep groups to a maximum of six persons.
Divide big groupings into six or fewer smaller groups.
Have a staff that is varied in terms of gender, age, occupation, and social position.
At least two or three professionals with experience in two or more disciplines, such as technology and management, administration, and design, are required. T-shaped team members are more adaptable and facilitate group collaboration.
Customers and suppliers should be included as external and internal stakeholders. Engineering, design and sales are all internal company management functions.
Wherever feasible, include customer-facing personnel since they will have more empathy for the client/user.

Tips for creating the space affinity templates:
Don't be alarmed by the overwhelming amount of data available. Be confident that you do not have an excessive amount of data! Everything is significant. If you don't have enough knowledge, don't worry, just ensure that you add enough data to your pieces.
Affinity Diagram Collection
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Space Affinity Diagram
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