Templates Community / Editable Pert Chart Template

Editable Pert Chart Template

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Community Helper
Published on 2022-05-30
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A PERT chart template , aka a PERT diagram, is a tool for scheduling, organizing, and mapping out project tasks. PERT is an acronym that stands for program evaluation and review technique. It depicts the timeline of a project and breaks it down into individual tasks. These charts resemble Gantt charts but are structured differently. A PERT chart template visualizes a project's tasks and the dependencies associated with each one. You could use one to develop an initial schedule and estimated timeline to share with project stakeholders before the start of the project. Creating a project roadmap, such as a PERT chart, can assist you in completing several project planning tasks.
graph and chart
PERT Chart
Graph Chart Collection
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Editable Pert Chart Template
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