Templates Community / Ldap Server Diagram

Ldap Server Diagram

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Published on 2022-06-01
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LDAP Server is a program that extracts and edits data from Active Directory and other directory service providers. Each user account has several attributes in an AD, including the user's full name and email address. LDAP is required to extract this information in a usable format. The LDAP server serves as a central repository for storing user information that multiple applications can access simultaneously. LDAP provides the following security: Because LDAP can work with SSL and TLS, it can be used for sensitive data. Files and user information are examples of data and resources found using LDAP. It is compatible with printers, computers, and other devices linked to the internet or a company's intranet.
ldap network diagram
Network Diagram Collection
workflow ldap server
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Ldap Server Diagram
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