Templates Community / Metropolitan Area Network Topology

Metropolitan Area Network Topology

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Published on 2022-07-06
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This Metropolitan Area Network Topology is DQDB, which stands for Dual Queue Dual Bus. It operates two unidirectional buses that transfer traffic independently of one another. Depending on the requirements, it can use an open or closed bus architecture. Both buses in a secure bus architecture begin and end at a control system known as BUS CONTROL. A Metropolitan Area Network Topology has a data transfer rate of 34 to 150 M bits per second, whereas a LAN has a data transfer rate of 1-100 M bits per second. Multiple LANs are linked to MAN networks. MAN networks are therefore larger than LANs but smaller than wide-area networks (WAN). Learn more about Metropolitan Area Network Topology using EdrawMax's template diagrams!
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Metropolitan Area Network Topology
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