Templates Community / Blended Design Certificate Curriculum Map Example

Blended Design Certificate Curriculum Map Example

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Published on 2022-09-05
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This blended design certificate curriculum map example demonstrates a method for planning and organizing teaching for student learning that differs from the traditional lecture/tutorial delivery model. Bluic et al. (2007) define blended learning as a three-way interaction. Blended learning refers to activities involving a systematic combination of co-present (face-to-face) and technologically-mediated interactions between students, teachers, and learning resources. Blended learning is a combination of face-to-face and online learning that can be an alternative to the traditional lecture/tutorial delivery model. Instead, online learning refers to student activity in a subject that is required or expected to be entirely online. Download EdrawMax and create useful learning course diagrams today.
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Blended Design Certificate Curriculum Map Example
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