Templates Community / Functional IT Organizational Chart

Functional IT Organizational Chart

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Published on 2022-11-14
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The Functional IT Organization Chart has 3 common top-down hierarchies. In addition to that, it has a bottom-up approach with functional areas such as HR, Sales, Finance, and others. The term Employee or worker is used in this case. This helps to bring all the workers together under one umbrella. The functional chart of IT organizations disallows secondary groupings and clusters. It is one of the most common IT charts with basic top-down hierarchical arrangements. As the name suggests, this IT diagram has all its fundamentals around employee functionality. That means the workers in it differ in area and skills. The chart doesn’t stop at individual employees. This type of diagram targets collective departments and makes a well-connected framework of expertise. Many sectors like management, finance, HR, sales, and transport come together to create a simple yet effective company structure.
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Functional IT Organizational Chart
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