Templates Community / Teacher Class Schedule

Teacher Class Schedule

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Published on 2022-12-11
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Our program has been produced as an auxiliary material for school administrators in the production of weekly lesson programs in primary and secondary schools. 2) During the production process of the program, different types of schools were studied closely and the testing process was experienced. 3) Our Teacher Weekly Lesson Distribution Program was approved by the Ministry of National Education Board of Education on 20.07. It is in full compliance with the Secondary Education Institutions common and elective course schedule published with the decision no. 76 dated 2010. 4) When you install the program on any computer, it works as a 'DEMO'. In this state, you can process all your information into the program. Once a password is received from the Head Office, the program will be legally usable with all its functions. 5) You can install the program on different computers in your school, or you can even install it on your portable computer that you take to work at home. We do not charge any additional fees for this. 6) You can use the program from other computers connected to the network by installing the program on a central computer within the organization. 7) With the possibility of adding Field/Branch or group such as TM / SOS / LANGUAGE to classes, you can describe common courses and Area / Branch courses separately. 8) You can have the common courses of these different groups formed in classes due to elective courses and the automatic distribution of Field/Branch courses. 9) At the end of the distribution, you will see that the classes of different Fields/Branches or groups (TM, SOS, DİL) are placed on the same days and times automatically. 10) During the day, you can say that the common lessons are in the morning, after the field/branch lessons, or vice versa. 11) In the weekly program, you can ensure that the common courses and Field/Branch courses are in groups, so that the common and Area/Branch course change for students occurs at most once a day. 12) You can have the teachers automatically find out which class the teacher will be.
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Teacher Class Schedule
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