Templates Community / UML Class Diagram for a Game Rating System

UML Class Diagram for a Game Rating System

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Kian Keshtkar
Published on 2023-01-13
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This image presents a UML (Unified Modeling Language) class diagram for a software system related to game ratings. There are four main classes: User, Game, Rating, and Admin, each with attributes and methods. The User class includes attributes for username and password and methods for signing up, logging in, logging out, searching for games, adding games, rating games, modifying ratings, and deleting ratings. The User is associated with the Game class, indicating that users can perform actions on games, and with the Rating class, showing that users can create and manage ratings. The Game class has attributes such as title, company, genre, yearOfRelease, and a list to hold average ratings. Its methods include viewing game information, adding games, rating games, and updating ratings. The Game class has a one-to-many relationship with the Rating class, suggesting that each game can have multiple ratings. The Rating class is a junction class between User and Game, containing the game being rated, the user who rated it, and the rating value. It has methods to add, modify, and delete ratings. The Admin class inherits from the User class, with additional capabilities to view system statistics, evidenced by the viewStats method. Lastly, the Stats class is related to the Admin class and includes attributes such as the number of users, number of games, and the average rating of games. Its sole method is to view these statistics. The diagram uses standard UML notation, such as classes (boxes with attributes and methods), associations (lines connecting classes), and multiplicities (numbers indicating the nature of relationships).
class diagram
Software design
Game Rating System UML
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