Templates Community / Database Design for Open Review Website

Database Design for Open Review Website

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P0507 jyothiswaroop
Published on 2023-02-18
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In order to create an open review website, the design of a database is necessary to store and display the information. The database should contain tables for users, reviews, and ratings, as well as any additional data that might be useful, such as product descriptions, categories, and tags. The structure of the database should be carefully considered in order to ensure efficient storage and retrieval of data according to user needs. The design needs to be flexible enough to allow for modifications when needed and also adapted depending on the website's purpose. Download this template from EdrawMax and start customizing it as per requirements. With EdrawMax's built-in customization features, you can modify the content of this design as per your norms.
Database design
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Database Design for Open Review Website
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