Templates Community / Floor Plan for Classroom Layout

Floor Plan for Classroom Layout

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Maddie Bailey
Published on 2023-02-27
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The floor plan here illustrates the layout of a classroom. Right in the middle, student work pods with materials are provided. A soft rug is put in front of the whiteboard for students to gather before the projector. A reading nook with bean bags and bookshelves is in the bottom left. Also, it is noticeable that a sensory corner is set in the bottom right. Apart from these, other equipment including student storage, a place for daily tasks and student works displayed and also a desk for the teacher are installed in the room. The whole layout is done with EdrawMax. Just try EdrawMax and design your own floor plan.
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This floor plan is a visual illustration of the layout of a classroom and all the designs are finished on EdrawMax. Just sign up for it and make your own floor plan.
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