Templates Community / Fire Escape Plan With Multiple Exits

Fire Escape Plan With Multiple Exits

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Mariah Vyrla Isip
Published on 2023-03-10
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It is important to create a detailed fire escape plan that looks at the layout of your home or business and identifies multiple exit points. A well-thought-out emergency plan should clearly map out the safest route for everyone in the building. Ideally, the plan should detail any obstacles you might face, such as locked doors or blocked walkways, and provide advice on what to do if these prevent easy access to an exit. Additionally, your plan should also take into account any members of your family who require extra assistance during a fire emergency. Download this template from EdrawMax and start customizing it as per requirements. With EdrawMax's built-in customization features, you can modify the content of this design as per your norms.
Fire Escape Plan
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Fire Escape Plan With Multiple Exits
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