Templates Community / Class diagram for freelancing platform

Class diagram for freelancing platform

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osam Ullah
Published on 2024-11-15
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This class diagram represents a Freelancing Platform that facilitates collaboration between clients and freelancers. The system is built around the core entities: User, Client, Freelancer, Project, Proposal, Payment, and Review. The User class serves as the base for both Client and Freelancer. Clients can post and manage projects, which receive proposals from freelancers. Freelancers, in turn, create profiles, update skills, and submit proposals for projects. Payments are processed between clients, who pay for completed work, and freelancers, who receive payments. Reviews allow clients and freelancers to provide feedback to each other, fostering trust within the platform. The relationships between entities are clearly labeled, illustrating actions such as clients managing projects, freelancers submitting proposals, and payments being processed. This diagram provides a comprehensive and structured view of the freelancing platform’s key components and interactions.
class diagram
Software design
system design
uml diagram
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